Adult Intermediate French Class B1/B2 - Thursday (10 hours) Spring 2023
Intermediate French (5 week class): Thursdays 6:00pm - 8:00pm face to face classroom at the Alliance Française de Jacksonville
Intermediate French B1/B2
Thursdays 6:00-8:00pm
Through a variety of activities that involve reading, writing, speaking and listening, students will continue to develop their French communication skills. Students will focus on narrating in the past, recounting life changing moments, expressing tastes, announcing good and bad news, describing problems and solutions, and expressing cause and consequence. Culture will be also an integral part of this course to enhance understanding and appreciation of the French speaking world.
B1/B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Language Leaning Policy (Please Read)
Textbooks: (links below)
Totem 3 Livre d'élève plus DVD, Manuel Numérique
Totem 3 Cahier d'activités and CD Audio