Café-Causerie! Wednesday May 11th, 10-11:30AM Le Petit Paris Atlantic Beach 363 Atlantic Blvd Suite 14, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Join us at our Café-Causerie that will take place at Le Petit Paris. On va bavarder (chat) over a nice cup of coffee and maybe a croissant or pain au chocolat. This is a friendly event open to our students, people who want to practice their French, Francophone people, anyone really who fancies a chat in French!
All levels of French warmly accepted. À bientôt! . Please let us know if you are planning to join inby sending an e-mail to[email protected]
Walking Tour of Jacksonville Public Art May 21st 10.00am-12 noon organized by JSCA Nantes Committee
Explore Jax Walking Tour of Jacksonville murals, statues and art. We thank the Nantes Committee for inviting us to this interesting tour! We will start and finish at City Hall, this 2-hour tour will encompass 14 murals, 2 statues and 8 pieces of art. The tour will be led by Gary Sass, an experienced and enthusiastic guide whom many of you already know.
Cost $15 per person in cash at the event. Comfortable shoes, water and sunscreen recommended! RSVP - [email protected].
Apéro Time! Thursday May 26th, 5.30PM River & Post Rooftop Bar 1000 Riverside Ave Suite 100, Jacksonville, FL 32204
Join us at the rooftop of the River and Post to enjoy a great glass of wine or a cocktail. Happy Hour is until 6:30pm so come on time! It is a great opportunity to reconnect with members you haven't seen in a while or meet new people and have a drink or two together. Typically conversations are in both English and French or a charming mix of both.
A l'Alliance Française de Jacksonville, on adore les livres! Nous vous invitons à rejoindre notre club de lecture, où nous pouvons débattre, découvrir des livres et en partager.
Le livre pour la discussion sera L'élégance du hérisson de Muriel Barbery.
L'Élégance du hérisson est le deuxième roman de Muriel Barbery, publié en 2006 chez Gallimard. Ce livre a remporté de nombreux prix littéraires, dont le Prix des libraires en 2007.
«Je m'appelle Renée, j'ai cinquante-quatre ans et je suis la concierge du 7 rue de Grenelle, un immeuble bourgeois. Je suis veuve, petite, laide, grassouillette, j'ai des oignons aux pieds et, à en croire certains matins auto-incommodants, une haleine de mammouth. Mais surtout, je suis si conforme à l'image que l'on se fait des concierges qu'il ne viendrait à l'idée de personne que je suis plus lettrée que tous ces riches suffisants. Je m'appelle Paloma, j'ai douze ans, j'habite au 7 rue de Grenelle dans un appartement de riches. Mais depuis très longtemps, je sais que la destination finale, c'est le bocal à poissons, la vacuité et l'ineptie de l'existence adulte. Comment est-ce que je le sais ? Il se trouve que je suis très intelligente. Exceptionnellement intelligente, même. C'est pour ça que j'ai pris ma décision : à la fin de cette année scolaire, le jour de mes treize ans, je me suiciderai.»
You are welcome to read the book in English and join the French speaking group discussion. The book is available in a French edition on Kindle, for the paper version, you can buy it on The English language edition (The Elegance of the Hedgehog) is on Amazon and Kindle.
Let us know if you want to be part of the book club, the date for the discussion and the next book gets decided by all book club members, so nobody has to miss out! e-mail Sofie at [email protected] for more info
Featured Events from the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA Talks on a variety of intriguing subjects are available from the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA as well as AF chapters from across the United States. Many events are free for AF members! Click here to find out more!À bientôt à l'Alliance Française de Jacksonville!